Isnin, 30 November 2009

Critique 2 : Research & Analysis

Critique 2 : Research & Analysis
(Design Approach)

The approach to the presentation will be sleek yet simple. I will opt to use photography mostly as it is my strength. The look and feel of the application will consist of cut up images to represent the message. This visuals will be aided by audio and texts.

Precedence Studies.

Critique 2 : Research & Analysis

Critique 2 : Research & Analysis

The techinical details that need to be addressed in this installation are minimal. This is due to the nature of the installation itself whereby the level of interaction is minimal. Usually an installation is installed in exhibition spaces and users present would already be under the notion to interact with an installation. This installation however is targated to inform the general public. Its method is designed to catch the user by surprise. The following context will explain in detail the hardware and software requirements of the installation.

- 1 standard functional sink.
- 1 LCD / Flat Screen Panel.
- 2 Webcams
- Multimedia Speakers
- 1 CPU

- Adobe Flash
- Zone Trigger

As seen on the image above, the LCD Panel will act as a mirror when idle. Once user enters the Hot Zone an instruction will be sent to Adobe Flash that will start playing the presentation instead.

Critique 2 : Research & Analysis

Critique 2 : Research & Analysis
(The Selected Proposal & its Introduction)

When refered to previous posts you would see 3 different proposals that were made to the lecturers. Of this 3 proposals one has been picked and finalized. The following is the detailed introduction to the selected proposal.

Working Title: The Bold Water Tap.

Background & Problem Indentification: Water is utilized on a daily basis by every single soul existent on this planet today. Sadly more often then not it is misused. How often do u see water left running from a tap in a public facility? How scarcely do you use water during showers or when performing regular chores like washing the car? This installation is targeted at informing people on the effects of water wastage.

Ideation or Concept : Unlike the usual installation art, this installation will be installed in a public space and will attract accidental users for the users will be oblivious to the installation until and unless they participate in it.

The target is to inform. By bringing information to a commonly performed task such as rinsing your hands, users aren’t given the chore of having to participate in the installation unwillingly. A regular functional sink will be installed in a public space such as in a restaurant or a toilet. Like most sinks this one will be occupanied by a “mirror“. This mirror however would be an LCD or a Flat Screen Panel. A webcam will be installed appropriately above the screen to capture the happenings before the screen. This footage will be displayed on the screen in live time hence acheiving a mirror like effect.

Until and unless a user approaches the sink and uses the tap, the screen will remain a mirror. However when the tap is used the visuals on the screen will change. A informative presentation will appear to inform the user on water wastage. In brief the information will include :
- Facts on water consumption via a regular tap. ( How many litres of water flows out of a tap a minute)
- The accumulative figure of wastage when several taps are left open and running when not in use.
- Effects of water wastage.

Aims & Objectives :
- To inform the public on the effects of water wastage.
- To curb the ill habit of wasting water that is present in almost everybody.
- To motivate people to make a change in the world in demonstrating how accumulatively everyone’s contribution, however small affects the world in whole.

Motivation : To create new exciting and effective methods of informing the public as opposed to the boring, traditional fliers and pamphlets. Also to change people’s approach to water wastage.

Critical Commentaries on Social Behavior.

The social beharvior i would like to address is the trend of hanging out in Mamak restaurants. To begin, Mamak is a term in reference to restaurants that are owned by Indian Muslims. They are very popular in Malaysia for they cater to all races and most importantly operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. All forms of local foods are served in Mamaks ranging from the indian tosai to the malay nasi lemak to the chinese mee soup.

Their eveready services have become an utmost convenience to the locals. Infact a little too convenient. Most people regardless of youth, teens, children and adults spend several hours a day in the mamak socializing with mates. This is presume is due to the leniency of the owners. One can simple place an order for iced drinking water and sit in the restaurant for hours. Not to mention the airing of popular movies and late night football matches. Now, everything seems well and good doesn’t it? However here are the problems. Problem number 1. Malaysians always complain of not having enough time to perform their daily duties yet spend an average hour a day at the Mamak. Problem number 2. Mamaks have become a port for people to pour their feelings and oppinions on everything. This may be an encouraged attitude as sharing helps relief stress but the medium is fruitless. Meaning to say when people vent out at the Mamaks, they merely vent out to their friends. Generally people who are seen at Mamaks appear to have a low self esteem and look timid. Unfortunately that is the majority of this nation. Conclusion is people should stop spending too much time at the Mamaks and instead spend time performing more fulfilling acts as well as take their oppions to places that matter like the magazines or online blogs. This will broaden their target audience as well as expose them to real life feedback other then ones they receieve from their own mates.

This issue some what relates to my project because it addresses the attitude people have towards petty responsibilities. Petty responsibilities that when accumulate can resort to big phenomenons. Such as when all the voices of the Mamak put together can overule perhaps even a government policy. My installation talks of the simple measures in conserving water. The accumulative wastage of water is devastating. When efforts are made together via mere petty responsibilities great messures can be made.

Isnin, 2 November 2009

Issue Three - Claustrofobia.

Claustrofobia is a morbid fear of being in or becoming trapped in enclosed or narrow places. The phenomenon is observed more often in women than in men and can generally be traced to some traumatic situation involving enclosed spaces, usually occurring in childhood. Treatment consists of psychotherapy to uncover the cause of the phobic reaction, followed by behavior therapy, specifically systematic desensitization or flooding technique. Several people experience claustrofobia and is one of the most popular forms of phobia present.

The approach is awareness and entertainment. To educate people on the difficulty faced by people who are affected by this form of phobia.

Application Proposal.
To be installed in a booth. Visuals via projections on a clear wall and sounds should give the impression of objects gradually closing in on user.

Issue Two - Alcohol Abuse.

The one most common statement when one is under the influence of alcohol is denial. This is simply a natural rendition. When under the influence one usually feels more confident and bold. This tempers with the person's judgements. "I am absolutely fine !" or "I am not drunk !" is a common claim. Hence rash acts such as drunk driving or violance is committed.

Top Gear is a documentary series on automobiles. The lead presenter Jeremy Clarkson wrote an article on effects of alcohol on a person's well being. According to this renowned critic the smallest amount of consumption indefinately impairs a persons judgement. Maybe it be one serving of wine. Unfortunately the consumer never realises this. A simple experiment could however prove his point. One needs to perform a accuired task- something he or she is femiliar with that can be recorded for consistancy such as via a stop watch. Example, running through an obstacle course. Do the course several times and record the average time. Then with the smallest consumption of alcohol repeat the task. Despite feeling absolutely the same the results of the stop watch will leave u baffled.

Application Proposal.
To demonstrate to a sober person the reality of being under the influence of alcohol. To be installed in a booth. At different levels of consumption visuals and sounds in the booth will demonstrate the effects. ie: distortion in vision. lack of clearity and sensitivity to sound. to create a sense of nausea.

Issue One - Water Wastage.

Water wastage is a habit much frowned upon. It simply demonstrates ones lack of interest in some simple personal discipline- also in whole leads to a lot of serious problems that affect the entire society.

The following are some general facts on water wastage. (
- On average a person uses up to 150 litres of water a day.
- If we do not take action now, climate change, population shifts and behaviour mean we will face ncreased water stress in the future.
- The water cycle is continuous and it will rain and replace water that has been abstracted for use in the home, however, there is no guarantee where and when the rain will fall, and your supply might depleted before the next downpour.
- Saving water will not only save the environment, but if you are on a water meter it will save you money on your water bill, and it will save you money on your energy bill if you reduce your hot water consumption.
- Saving water will also help alleviate climate change and can make the water scarcity problem in another country less severe.
- A running tap uses 6 litres of water a minute, a shower can use anywhere between 9 – 45 litres per minute, a hosepipe uses as much as 1000 litres per hour.
- Toilet flushing accounts for 30% of our daily water use – with old toilets using as much as 14 litres per flush compared to new dual flush models which use as little as 2.6 and 4 litres per flush.
- Fixing a dripping tap can save as much as 5000 litres a year – if everyone in the UK fixed their dripping taps we would save enough water to supply 120,000 for one day.

Application Proposal.
For installation in public space. A sink with it's tap open and water left running is required to be installed in a convenient location. (non functional sink whereby the water constantly circulates from storage to tap) If and when a passer by neglects to turn off tap and walks right pass, a series of audible narrations and visuals will accompany user as he walks further from sink. These messages will suggest the trouble with water wastage and will increse in severity as the user walkes further away from the sink- suggesting the consequences of water wastage if prolonged.
If incidentally a passer by switches off the tap to begin with, a possitive series of messages will accompany the user as he walkes away from the sink in acknowledgement.


This 1st post is of many that will cover the progress of my final year project in Digital Media @ MMU Cyberjaya. The project requires inter-media interaction. The issue to be addressed is left entirely up to students. Any objective may be served as long as the medium is inter-media. The following three posts will be my concerns that i want to address via my project. This is step one as per requested by my lecturers due 03/11/09.